Certification Support

GRAS supports all participants of the certification process in preparing for audits.

  • Are you preparing for certification and need to know your sustainability risks?
  • You want to get certified and exclude your high-risk suppliers?
  • You are an auditor and want to facilitate the land use change assessment on the ground?

Exclude non-compliances within the supply base prior to the audit

Sustainability certification processes on the production level, e.g. the certification after the European Commission in the Renewable Energy Directive (RED), cover strict criteria such as restrictions against land use change activities on the production sites, the protection of highly biodiverse landscapes and biomes, areas with high carbon stocks such as peatlands or social aspects.

Use GRAS for an effective certification audit

For auditors, it is sometimes extremely difficult to evaluate violations against land use change criteria exclusively based on historic documents and interviews. Satellite imagery that clearly shows the land history is therefore an highly valuable tool that saves both time and money. By using latest remote sensing technology, GRAS enables remote risk identification which makes sustainability certification more digital, more transparent, more effective and less costly.


Prepare for audits


Identify high risk areas


Avoid non-compliances

GRAS facilitates the certification processes under numerous relevant schemes

GRAS covers the sustainability criteria set up by the EU RED and therefore supports certification processes under all recognized schemes. GRAS therefore offers an effective solution to conduct pre-audit assessments to identify non-compliances before additional audit costs occur.

GRAS develops methods and tools to identify low iLUC risk biofuels

With regard to the new requirements of the Renewable Energy Directive of the European Commission (RED II), that came into effect in December 2018, GRAS develops specific methodologies and tools to support the identification and certification of low iLUC (indirect land use change) risk biofuels. Low iLUC risk biofuels are defined as processed from crops which were cultivated by avoiding the displacement of biomass being used for food, feed and fibre applications. Please get in touch with our team to learn more about the potentials of the different approaches.

Get all findings in a comprehensive risk assessment report

GRAS can deliver analysis results as individual farm or summary reports, databases, an easy-to-use visualization tool or as an advanced GRAS company dashboard. In the summary reports, all risk hot spots are listed to facilitate the land use change assessment on the ground for the auditors during certification audits. Company dashboards are an appropriate tool for companies that are preparing for certification as they can check all current and potential fields and plantations against land use change on their own.






Visualization Tool


Company Dashboard

Get in touch

We will find the best and most efficient solution for the requirements of your sustainability strategy!

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