Explore our recent projects and partners
Stakeholders from different sectors and branches benefit from our services and tools. GRAS works towards sustainable supply chains and verifies, monitors and supports the implementation of zero-deforestation commitments.
- GRAS conducts project-specific sustainability analyses
- GRAS develops interactive analysis and reporting tools
- GRAS supports the preparation of sustainability certification
- Deforestation risk assessment for coffee supply chains in Africa and Asia
- Coffee-related deforestation and protected areas assessment
- Advice on deforestation monitoring system
- Sustainability analysis of the sourcing area of sugar mills in Thailand
- Verification of zero-deforestation criteria
- Calculation of GHG emissions from identified Land Use Change
BirdLife Europe
- Detection of land use change in Lower Saxony, Germany
- Development of new approaches to detect grassland conversion in Europe on small scale areas
- Provision of maps showing the type of land use change over time
European Commission
- Identification of grassland conversion in Natura2000 sites
- Mapping of land cover and crop rotation
Meo Carbon Solutions
- Sustainability risk analysis of grain production in Uganda and Kenya
- Evaluation of market positioning of sustainability strategies
- Company-specific traceability system analysis for smallholder plantations in Indonesia
- Development of Track-and-Trace database and mobile apps for smallholder farming systems
Casa da Floresta
- Development of methods to support the identification and mapping of potential high conservation value (HCV) risk areas
- Identification of low indirect land use change (iLUC) risk biofuels in Brazil
German Coffee Association
- Supporting coffee companies to meet obligations from the German Act on Corporate Due Diligence in Supply Chains
- Sector- and country-specific risk assessment of human rights in coffee producing countries
- Development and implementation of the grievance mechanism Ear4u
- Detection of sourcing areas with deforestation and grassland conversion for a large number of farmers
- Provision of a map of risk and no risk sourcing areas
- Preparation of a map on identified deforestation and grassland conversion
- Provision of kml files and searchable sheets to analyze individual farm sourcing areas
RSB Roundtable on Sustainable Biomaterials
- HCV risk assessment for a production area in South Africa to support RSB Standard Principle 7
- Detailed land use change analysis
- Creation of high resolution historic and current land cover maps
DEG – Deutsche Investitions- und Entwicklungsgesellschaft
- Sustainability Risk Assessment in Cambodia, Argentina, Peru and Paraguay
- Support of project monitoring
- Verification of zero-deforestation criteria
- Support of ISCC Integrity Program
- Verification of ISCC Principle 1, especially land use change and protected areas and monitoring of critical environmental areas
- Identification of replanting activities against actual deforestation
- Support of the ISCC Landscape Approach and the integration of independent smallholders into sustainable supply chains
- Development and maintenance of smallholder mapping and analysis tool
- Land use change assessment for palm oil mills
- Identification of potential abandoned and unused land
- Mapping of protected areas
Food Security Standard (FSS)
- Geo-referenced food security data incorporated into the automated GRAS Tool+ to enhance its social risk analysis
- FARAMO-FSS tool to support impact monitoring and evaluation of FSS-certified farms
- FARAMO-FSS tool to collect farm management data and geo-coordinates from farms, strengthening sustainability management and compliance with due diligence regulations
- Continuing collaboration to expand the use of FARAMO tool within FSS
Financial Access
- Identification of primary agricultural crops grown in the surveyed land area
ADM Archer Daniels Midland
- Land use change assessment for 250 soy farms in Brazil and Paraguay
- Detailed analysis of deforestation and grassland conversion
- Development of criteria to assess and verify compliance with legal requirements
- Efficient and detailed semi-automated reporting per farm
- Sustainability analysis of smallholder palm plantations in Colombia
- Assessment of protected areas and land use change according to sustainability certification criteria
4C Services
- Detailed analysis of coffee plantations in Colombia, Vietnam and other main coffee production regions
- Support of 4C risk assessments and sustainable coffee certification
- Verification of 4C Code of Conduct criteria with regard to deforestation and the conservation of biodiversity
- Development of supplier management tools