GRAS presents at the Food Security Standard (FSS) Due Diligence Webinar on the 29th of November 2022
The Food Security Standard‘s aim is to ensure social sustainability in agricultural production and to support the private sector’s effort to end hunger.
The FSS is supported by the German Federal Ministry for Food and Agriculture (BMEL) via the Agency “Fachagentur Nachwachsende Rohstoffe” (FNR). On the 29th of November 2022 the first online event from the FSS Due Diligence Webinar Series is taking place, with focus on identifying and assessing food security risks in global agricultural supply chains.
Discussions are conducted in the context of the upcoming German Supply Chain Due Diligence Act, in effect 1st January 2023.

GRAS will present the company’s focus and progress on the topic of Supply Chain Due Diligence. It will be discussed how GRAS can support companies to conduct risk analyses along the supply chain and to provide efficient solutions for due diligence requirements. An introduction on the integration of food security criteria into the GRAS Tool will be also given. GRAS is excited to support companies seeking to identify, prevent or minimize the risks of human rights violations and damage to the environment.
For more information on the event and registration visit the website here.