12 July 2019 – The Index for Risk Management (INFORM) is a global open-source risk assessment dataset for humanitarian crises and disasters.

Available information on subnational level are now displayed within the GRAS Tool for the three dimensions Hazard & Exposure, Vulnerability and Lack of Coping Capacity and subordinate categories for Guatemala, HondurasColombia and Kenya.


The Hazard & Exposure dimension reflects the probability of physical exposure associated with specific hazards. The Vulnerability dimension represents economic, political and social characteristics of the community that can be destabilized in case of a hazardous event. The Lack of Coping Capacity dimension measures the ability of a country to cope with disasters in terms of formal, organized activities and the effort of the country’s government as well as the existing infrastructure, which contribute to the reduction of disaster risk.

Users of the GRAS Tool can now analyse humanitarian risks in a more detailed and spatially differentiated way. Enter the GRAS Tool and explore our new risk maps here.