In collaboration with Deutscher Kaffeeverband e.V., GRAS organized the ‘Parliamentary Breakfast’ on June 11th, 2024. The breakfast event, “Strong Together for Sustainable Coffee,” brought together key stakeholders for an engaging discussion. 

The goal of the Parliamentary Breakfast was to promote joint action as the key to the proactive implementation of the complex requirements of the European Green Deal. In particular, the EU regulation for deforestation-free products (EUDR) is triggering the biggest transformation in the coffee industry in decades. The event further explored how the German coffee industry is moving towards EUDR through innovation and cooperation.  

Notable speakers included Thorsten Hinrichs (Bundesministerium für Ernährung und Landwirtschaft (BMEL), Holger Preibisch (Deutscher Kaffeeverband e.V.), Jan M. Dr. Henke (GRAS – Global Risk Assessment Services), Annerose Lichtenstein (Bundesanstalt für Landwirtschaft und Ernährung BLE), Stefan Dierks (Melitta Group), and Dr. Rafaël Schneider (Welthungerhilfe). 

The EU regulation for deforestation-free products (EUDR) is driving the largest transformation in the coffee industry in decades. The event highlighted how the German coffee industry prepares for #EUDR through innovation and cooperation. GRAS presented its array of digital tools for due diligence and deforestation-free supply chains to support the coffee industry and companies with EUDR compliance.

In six inspiring presentations, key discussions covered the importance and status of EUDR and its implications for the coffee sector, innovative digital tools for ensuring deforestation-free supply chains, and the collaborative efforts of the German coffee industry to enhance sustainability and forest protection. Additionally, the event showcased how sustainability standards like The Food Security Standard and 4C can support this process and improve living conditions for small farmers by meeting due diligence requirements.

Follow the links below to see the presentations(in German):

Deutsche Kaffeewirtschaft: Gemeinsam für mehr Nachhaltigkeit und Waldschutz – Holger Preibisch, Hauptgeschäftsführer, Deutscher Kaffeeverband

Starke digitale Tools für Due Diligence und entwaldungsfreie Lieferketten – Dr. Jan Henke, GRAS Global Risk Assessment Services 

Due diligence anforderungen mit nachhaltigkeits- standards adressieren: Bessere lebensbedingungen für kleinbauern schaffen – Dr. Rafaël Schneider, Welthungerhilfe