GRAS launches the AI4SusCo project together with TH Köln! An innovative AI-based classification system designed to precisely evaluate deforestation-free coffee
GRAS conducted a comprehensive risk analysis in accordance with German Supply Chain Due Diligence Act (LkSG) for the members of the German Coffee Association
Events: GRAS presented at the Symobio 2.0 status conference
GRAS, a project member of Symobio 2.0, presented its progress in mapping crop-driven deforestation in Indonesia, Malaysia, Brazil, and the Brazilian state of Bahia.
GRAS presents at the Food Security Standard (FSS) Due Diligence Webinar on the 29th of November 2022
GRAS is part of the Food Security Standard (FSS) Due Diligence Webinar Series, presenting solutions for companies to conduct risk analyses along the supply chain and the progress on the integration of food security criteria into the GRAS Tool.
21 Feb 2022 – The SYMOBIO research team is developing systemic monitoring – and a new website, which is being set up as a central platform for bioeconomy monitoring. GRAS will contribute with the expertise in Remote Sensing to the holistic picture of bioeconomy within this research project.
Explore dataset for China and India in the GRAS Tool
23 April 2020 – GRAS Tool is now available for 48 different countries providing relevant information on biodiversity, carbon stock land use change, social indices and fire. Explore the full range of functionalities and datasets within the GRAS Tool.
Thailand, Vietnam and Kenya now available in the GRAS Tool
12 Sept 2019 – Information on biodiversity, land use change, carbon stock and social indices are now available for a total of 46 countries. Access the GRAS Tool and explore its various functionalities and datasets.